Nesting Herons

Herons are a regular sight in the area, whether down in the valley, along the river and even in ponds. Many people post photos of their sightings of the herons, including me, but I had no idea where they were coming from … up until now!

On a morning walk I saw a heron fly off from a nearby tree. At first I didn’t think much of it, but a minute later it was back – with a large twig! A minute or two later it was off again; then back with another twig. I could just see it was passing the twig to another heron, who was adding it to the nest. Then something caught my eye in another tree – it was a heron sat in a nest.

I stayed around for a while watching the herons; from the activity going on and the herons I managed to see, there are possibly three nests. What I’ve since found out is that they do nest in colonies called ‘Heronries’, usually at the tops of trees. So, it seems I have stumbled upon a Heronry.

What does seem a little unusual (based on information I read), is that they are perhaps nesting late; that they would already have laid their eggs and they’d be hatching March/April. 

Maybe later I’ll get the chance to see the fledglings.

4 thoughts on “Nesting Herons”

  1. Hi. Is this on Delph New Road? The BTO are doing a survey of heronrys/heronries so might like to know about this one if its not on their list.

    1. Hi Jim
      Yes it is this one. I’ve found the page on the BTO website where it shows the Heronries and it says this area is being monitored.


  2. I’ve recently started nature watching (in Saddleworth) and have a sitspot where I sit for an hour each morning. I’m only at the end of my second week doing this but I’m gripped! I have a heron and a cormorant who regularly visit the same tree, not at the same time – no nest. Yesterday, the heron caught a frog, dunked it in water a few times – maybe to drown it? Then swallowed it whole. Gruesome but fascinating! I wonder if it is one of your herons?

    I only have a phone camera atm but am looking to upscale and I’m in the process of setting up a blog as well and have linked it below, but note it is very much a work in progress!

    I am inspired by your blog and FB posts!

    1. Hi Deborah

      Thanks for your message and great to hear what you are doing. I find it very rewarding just taking time out to watch what’s going on around me; I certainly spend time in places just taking it all in; and any encounters and photos is a real bonus.

      Hope you get your camera and blog sorted and thanks very much for your comment regarding my blog and FB posts.


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