

(and other nature too)

Welcome to my blog

Have you ever had an urge to try something different? Maybe take a hobby more seriously (though not too seriously right!)? To put yourself ‘out there’ a bit more. Well, I thought I’d give it a go and ‘The Deer Diaries’ is the result.

I’m fortunate in that I can literally walk out the door, cross the road and take in the local nature. With my camera over my shoulder, I’m constantly keeping a look out for anything that moves, or just a nice bit of scenery. I have though got just a little bit obsessed with the Roe Deer. For years I never used to see any, but now I realise they were always there; I just wasn’t looking hard enough! So I thought I’d combine my two favourite hobbies,  photography and nature. There will be a lot of updates on the deer I come across, especially ‘Angel’ (she’s explained in a blog post), but there will be other animals, birds and scenery too. I’m really hoping to see the badgers again!

Thanks for visiting and feel free get in touch.



Latest Posts

A Little Bit Of Scottish Nature
Seals, highland cattle, deer and plenty of birds were seen on our campervan trip to Scotland. A wonderful Spring trip taking in Oban, Machrihanish, Islay, Arran and Culzean. It turned...
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It's All About The Birds
The deer stalking and photography has been somewhat slim pickings lately. There have been a few sightings but nothing that warrants a blog post. So, as an alternative this post is all...
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Never Give Up!
I have been having something of a poor spell with the local wildlife. The deer especially seem to have all but disappeared. This in turn affected how often I was going out. Yes, the...
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Badger & Co at the water tray - And a mother and her fawns
At the time of writing this, the weather is pretty awful. However, the previous weeks have been very dry and hot, so I thought I would make sure the local badgers had some water. I...
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A Very Nice Collection
Sometimes one can go through phases where not much really happens; nothing seems to appear, where before there was plenty. It has been a little like that lately, but patience and perseverance...
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River Otters, Barn Owl and Birds
One of the places we like to visit in our campervan, is Masham, North Yorkshire. Not only does it have THE best fish and chip shop and a brewery, but it also has a wetland nature reserve...
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about me

I hope you enjoy this blog. There will be regular updates on the local Roe Deer and other nature that’s discovered in the area and sometimes a little further afield. 

To read more about the blog and me, go to the ‘About’ page.