There are many, many times when I go for a walk and never see anything, well, apart from the usual flock of crows; there are always crows around! This afternoon I was starting to head back home, ambling along the path, keeping a look-out as usual, but day dreaming too. Then, to my surprise, out of the long grass a deer suddenly springs up! I think we both gave each other a look that said – ‘whoa …. where’d you come from’!
People have asked me how I come to see the deer so often. The answer is always the same. Patience, perseverance and being very aware of your surroundings and always looking. Sprinkle in some luck, good timing and it works for me. I’d say, that when I go out for one of my ‘usual’ walks, about 80% of the time I’ll see a deer; even if it’s just one running away amongst the trees.
The idea behind this blog is really for my own purpose; to have a record of some of my experiences with the local deer and other wildlife too. I go out and see the deer so often it has become a real interest. It is never boring to see them. What I’m really hoping for is that in the Spring/Summer I’ll see some of the newborn (Kids); that would be such a lovely thing to see.
I am though very aware that these are wild animals and the last thing I want to do is to scare the away. But I think that the experience I’m getting, call it a ‘field craft’, will prevent any danger coming to them.