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image of mountain hare
A Mountain Hare Experience
I decided against titling this, A Hare Raising experience! lol. This was the first time I have managed to see the mountain hares. The previous time I tried they must have been in hiding, but that’s...
Close Encounter of the Roebuck Kind
After several days of appalling weather (cold, rain, fog), it was nice to get out this morning, back to my usual haunt. As usual it was a case of whether I can get to a spot to wait and observe, before...
singing nuthatch
More Birds Than Deer
Deer have been a little thin on the ground this week. I have seen the trio and solo deer in my usual haunt, but also I have not been out looking for them this past week as much as usual. I took myself...
four deer
One-Two-Three-Four, Deer and a VERY exciting trail camera
I went out for a late afternoon stroll, not to my usual haunt, but still somewhere I have seen deer and fox previously. I spotted something in the distance and looking through my telephoto lens I saw there...