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two fox cubs
The Fox Family
I knew there were foxes nearby but it was not until my trail camera picked up a little cub over a week ago, that I realised there was a family. A neighbour then told me she had seen the cubs one evening,...
Fox - vixen
Fox, Deer & Woodpecker
It is that time of year when the young of many animals start to appear. This is mum (the Vixen), and she and her partner have a group of cubs. I caught one on my trail camera, but I’m really hoping...
greylag goose flying
A Couple of Days Away - It's All About The Birds
We managed to get away for a couple of days mid-week to Masham, North Yorkshire. A nice stroll along the river Ure leads to Marfield Wetlands, for some bird spotting. Also, on the way home we stopped briefly...
A Morning With Roebuck
I set out in the morning to put out my trail camera and as it was not particularly early I did not really expect to see any deer; they would usually be deep in the woods and probably lying down, having...