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I Saw A Mouse (where ... ) And A Fox Cub Update & Video
A week or so ago, in the garden, I spotted something out of the corner of my eye. Not unusual in itself, as it is an area where birds visit and some feed off the ground, gathering up fallen nuts and seeds...
deer family
Deer Families - Yes, There Were Two!
So far this year, I had only seen a deer with its young several weeks ago (from a distance), or caught on the trail camera (see previous posts). However, that all changed in the space of a few days. I...
picture of a Hare
Close Encounter With A Hare
I decided to get up early one morning and go for a long, local walk; down lanes, up hills and across fields. Something I am not keen of though is cattle. As soon as I set out, up a short path to cross...
Roe deer doe and kid
Relieved! Mum And Kid Are Doing Well
The header photo above was taken in early June (see blog post She has had her baby). Since then I had only seen the mother a couple of times, no sign of her kid. That would not be unusual as the mothers...