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two roe deer in the snow
Curious Deer In The Snow
After a few days of staying indoors, due to the cold outside and the cold in my body, I had to get out and take in the wonderful landscape. The hills and moors covered in a scattering of snow and frost,...
roe deer
Where Have All The Deer Gone?
Ever since I started following the local deer about 18 months ago, there have been at least five or six in the valley and woodlands, but it seems this is no longer the case. In the summer and early Autumn,...
roe deer
A Big Surprise!
I have seen a Red Stag in Saddleworth! I first saw it when I was in the local woodland. I was stood next to a tree for a few minutes when I heard something. I turned and looked to my left and I was amazed...
Badger Video
I was curious as to whether badgers were still residing in a local sett. I had not seen much of them this year, for one reason or another, but I wanted to know if they were still there, so I decided to...