
image of mountain hare

A Mountain Hare Experience

I decided against titling this, A Hare Raising experience! lol. This was the first time I have managed to see the mountain hares. The previous time I tried they must have been in hiding, but that’s the thing with wildlife; you can’t expect them to be on call! This time though I got very lucky …

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More Birds Than Deer

Deer have been a little thin on the ground this week. I have seen the trio and solo deer in my usual haunt, but also I have not been out looking for them this past week as much as usual. I took myself off to a couple of new locations and visited country parks, mainly just …

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Run For It!

After 10 days of covid isolation I was out! So, on with the walking boots and head out for a stroll before breakfast; but after a cup of tea of course! I thought I would do my usual walk in reverse. Spice things up a bit, lol. I was keeping my eyes peeled for anything …

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Just Popped Up To Say Hello!

There are many, many times when I go for a walk and never see anything, well, apart from the usual flock of crows; there are always crows around! This afternoon I was starting to head back home, ambling along the path, keeping a look-out as usual, but day dreaming too. Then, to my surprise, out …

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Meet Angel

I often see a deer on its own and I think it is the same one. If you are wondering why Angel, have a look at the photo. Can you see the white marking on her neck? It almost looks like a heart. So, being a bit soppy I just thought I’d give her a …

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A Trip to a Deer Park

The picture is a bit of a giveaway that this isn’t my usual, local haunt. These are Fallow Dear in Dunham Massey. I much prefer seeing deer (and most animals) where I can, in a wild, natural habitat. It’s not as though these in the deer park don’t roam free, but they are essentially fenced …

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