
two fox cubs

The Fox Family

I knew there were foxes nearby but it was not until my trail camera picked up a little cub over a week ago, that I realised there was a family. A neighbour then told me she had seen the cubs one evening, so, for several nights I was out, hoping for a sighting. Unfortunately, even …

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Fox - vixen

Fox, Deer & Woodpecker

It is that time of year when the young of many animals start to appear. This is mum (the Vixen), and she and her partner have a group of cubs. I caught one on my trail camera, but I’m really hoping that I’ll get to see them out in the day playing around, and get …

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A Morning With Roebuck

I set out in the morning to put out my trail camera and as it was not particularly early I did not really expect to see any deer; they would usually be deep in the woods and probably lying down, having a nap. I was wrong! Walking on the track I noticed a deer in …

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Toads To Foxes As Well As Deer

A week of catching up on the local nature, featuring mammals, birds and an amphibian!  Everything from the past week is together, in one nature package. Several walks have taken me down the valley, up the hill, along the stream and down the lanes. All of which means there must be something to see; which …

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Roe Bucks & Their Antlers

If you see a Roe Buck in winter/early spring, you might think that there is something a bit strange about their antlers; that they look furry.  Roe Bucks shed their antlers around November and they start to grow again in December – they look like furry little lumps when they grow again. When they are …

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blue tit in flight

In Flight – Birds & Deer

I had some photography fun the other afternoon, capturing garden birds mid-fight; but first the flying deer, which I was not too happy about! I set out one morning to see if the deer were around. Unfortunately there was someone walking just ahead of me with two dogs – not the ideal situation if you …

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Nesting Herons

Herons are a regular sight in the area, whether down in the valley, along the river and even in ponds. Many people post photos of their sightings of the herons, including me, but I had no idea where they were coming from … up until now! On a morning walk I saw a heron fly …

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Fox, Heron and Dipper

It has been quite a while since I have seen a fox, so I was delighted when this beauty appeared. I decided to go and put the trail camera out where there is (still I hope) a badger sett. I know there has been a fox in the area too and it may well be …

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A Deer Catch-Up

There have been a few deer encounters the past week. There was the usual trio I often see and a couple of solo deer too; and I left the trail camera out.  The trio of deer is a doe and two bucks. This could be a mother and two kids, but it could also be …

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