
Seal in water

A Little Bit Of Scottish Nature

Seals, highland cattle, deer and plenty of birds were seen on our campervan trip to Scotland. A wonderful Spring trip taking in Oban, Machrihanish, Islay, Arran and Culzean. It turned out to be something of a whisky trip, but as this is a nature blog I thought it best to stick to animals and not the …

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long tailed tit

It’s All About The Birds

The deer stalking and photography has been somewhat slim pickings lately. There have been a few sightings but nothing that warrants a blog post. So, as an alternative this post is all about birds! The first selection are from the garden. We had a flurry of snow, but that didn’t deter the usual visitors. It …

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roe deer

Never Give Up!

I have been having something of a poor spell with the local wildlife. The deer especially seem to have all but disappeared. This in turn affected how often I was going out. Yes, the weather has been somewhat awful, but that is a pretty lame excuse really.  In the past, whenever people said I was …

Never Give Up! Read More »


A Very Nice Collection

Sometimes one can go through phases where not much really happens; nothing seems to appear, where before there was plenty. It has been a little like that lately, but patience and perseverance is the key.  In just one day there were deer, a sparrowhawk, a dipper, a fox and even badgers! All were seen in …

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mountain hare

A Mountain Hare Experience

Getting up early and taking a long, steep walk uphill, is certainly worth it to see these wonderful animals.  It was January 2022 when I last went to seek out the mountain hares. That time I was very fortunate as there were three of them on the hillside. This time there was only the one, …

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Male roe deer

Deer, Owl AND Badger!

After a rather quiet time of not seeing much, especially the local deer, everything seems to have happened all at once! There was a close encounter with three deer. Finally, I got to see a long eared owl, and after leaving the trail cameras out – plenty of video of badgers! It has been a …

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two roe deer in the snow

Curious Deer In The Snow

After a few days of staying indoors, due to the cold outside and the cold in my body, I had to get out and take in the wonderful landscape. The hills and moors covered in a scattering of snow and frost, making for wonderful scenery, which I didn’t want to miss out on. I hadn’t …

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roe deer

Where Have All The Deer Gone?

Ever since I started following the local deer about 18 months ago, there have been at least five or six in the valley and woodlands, but it seems this is no longer the case. In the summer and early Autumn, unfortunately there were reports of roadside casualties nearby.  So now it looks like there are …

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