
A Very Nice Collection

Sometimes one can go through phases where not much really happens; nothing seems to appear, where before there was plenty. It has been a little like that lately, but patience and perseverance is the key. 

In just one day there were deer, a sparrowhawk, a dipper, a fox and even badgers! All were seen in a pretty small area, local to where I live. I do feel very fortunate to have this on my doorstep! 

I think I was most pleased to see the fox, as I’d not come across one for a while. I was making my way back home and I noticed something on the hillside. A deer lying down maybe? But looking through my long lens I noticed it was a fox. I managed to get closer. Watching him have a good scratch, then sitting up. That’s when he noticed me. He looked at me for a little while (looks like he was smiling at me lol), then decided to stroll off into the bushes.

fox sitting in the grass
roe deer - male

I have been on the lookout for a female roe deer. I’ve been hoping to see one or two and see whether they are pregnant. It’s round about this time of year they would give birth. I know there are two doe’s in the area and it would be great if at least one of them was pregnant. I did come across one, in amongst the bushes, but she didn’t look pregnant. Whilst walking through the woods I did see a male (buck). He knew something was nearby, at first ‘barking’ in my direction, but I don’t think he’d seen me. I kept as still and quiet as possible and watched him for a while, feeding on the fresh leaves.

As a bonus, while I sat in the woods, minding my own business, a sparrowhawk landed nearby. A shame it was only there for literally seconds, but it was another good sighting.

sparrowhawk sat on a branch

It’s the time of year when, hopefully, badger cubs are making an appearance. I had my trail cameras out on the local set. I was hoping they would appear in the daylight but, on the trail camera they didn’t. However, when I was setting up the cameras I did have a wonderful surprise! I was about to attach the camera to a tree, when I noticed something moving in the bushes nearby. I presumed it would just be a squirrel, but I had a great surprise when two cubs came into view. I couldn’t believe they hadn’t heard or smelt me and gone back into the set. I kept completely still and quite for a few minutes until they moved further away, into the bushes. A real treat to see them. Have a look at the video to see the cute cubs – and a deer makes an appearance too.

reed bunting

To finish things off, a couple of birds. A dipper and a reed bunting. 

I regularly see one or two dippers in the river, but don’t usually get close enough for a photo. This time it wasn’t too far away. 

1 thought on “A Very Nice Collection”

  1. Cant believe how lucky you are.
    We live in lees and the one thing id love to see is a live badger, as we have inly seen a few dead ones over years in our teavels.
    Would be great to meet you and see some if what you see

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