deer family

Deer Families – Yes, There Were Two!

So far this year, I had only seen a deer with its young several weeks ago (from a distance), or caught on the trail camera (see previous posts). However, that all changed in the space of a few days.

I had heard of a sighting of two kids, very close to home. I didn’t get my hopes up too much though, as it’s a place I walk nearly every day and although I have seen deer there, I’d not spotted any young … until now!

two roe deer kids

I was walking down the lane, keeping a lookout as usual, but nothing to see – except the usual sheep! I was close to turning back, but in the end decided to carry on – and a good decision that was too! On a bank to the right I saw mother first and then quickly noticed the two kids next to her. I was able to watch them and get some photos as they weren’t far away at all. I spent a few minutes watching, until a dog walker came past and disturbed them. I thought that would be the end of that, but actually they just hid behind a big bush. You can see in one of the photos where the two young ones are peeping out. A few more photos then I left them alone. Hopefully I’ll see them again another day.

roe deer kids

Family number two is the mother and just the one kid. What I’m not sure of, is whether these are the same deer I’ve been keeping an eye on for several months (see earlier posts). It would be something of a coincidence if they are different, with there just being the one kid. They would had to have travelled up and over a valley and crossed a main road, but that wouldn’t be out of the ordinary. But whether or not they are the same or different, it’s great to see the deer looking so healthy. 

roe deer doe and kid
roe deer
roe deer

The fun part about meeting these two was how close they came, without realising I was there. I was hiding behind a small tree and didn’t dare move as the mother could sense something/someone was nearby. She was very alert and sticking her nose in the air! Much to my surprise she came closer and closer to where I was (behind the tree), checking out who or what was there; then her kid joined her. It was exciting but also a little frustrating too. They were so close, but I was having to try to photograph between branches; but I got some shots, though best of all was seeing another family.

And finally. On the same walks as seeing the deer families there was a hare in the opposite field. It stayed still just long enough for me to get a few photos before it legged it!


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